The Crooked Crow Songwriter's Retreat

The Crooked Crow Songwriter's Retreat is located in the secluded West Texas desert at the Chinati Hot Springs. There will be two retreats in 2024. the first one will be held Wed. Oct. 9th (4pm) through the morning of Sun. Oct. 13th, and the second one will be Wed. Oct. 16th ( 4pm ) through the morning of the Oct. 20th. The Chinati Hotsprings offers a peaceful atmosphere for people to write and escape the stresses of everyday life with the restorative desert to relax in. We picked this particular area because we wanted to focus on the beauty of the Chihuahuan desert and the inspiration this landscape offers. The retreat encourages writers to abandon their usual songwriting destinations, to step out of their familiar lyrical vehicles, and to embark on a mischievous journey through the realm of poetry, figurative language, mythology, archetypes, and the human psyche.